What does the keyword difficulty score tell you?

Keyword difficulty scores are a percentage from 0 to 100, and the higher the percentage, the more difficult Semrush predicts it will be rated for. … Keywords with difficulty below 60% that also have a steady search volume represent your best chance to rank your pages with SEO.

What are good keywords?

Understanding Keyword Types Keywords are usually only 1 or 2 words and have a high search volume. Body keywords are 2 to 3 word phrases with good search volume, not high, not low. Long tail keywords consist of four or more words sealed together with a low search volume. This account is for many web visitors.

What is easy to rank keywords?

When a keyword meets the 2 requirements it means it is easy to dip the rank and people find it valuable enough to buy ads on the keyword. And if they find it valuable enough for people to buy advertising, it costs traffic and becomes a customer.

What is a good keyword score?

A good Quality Score for a brand keyword is between 8 and 10. A good Quality Score for a commercial keyword with high intent is 7 to 9. 7 is a better Quality Score for a keyword with low intent.

What is a good keyword difficulty?

KDS Between 30% and 70% – Medium Difficulty Keywords However, this is your best bet when choosing the right keywords because you have a realistic chance to compete for these. And, they also have a high search volume, it’s worth your time for this target.

Is keyword difficulty a metric?

What is Keyword Difficulty? In the world of SEO, Keyword Difficulty is a useful metric that helps you understand how difficult it is to find a specific search query.

How competitive is a keyword?

Keyword competition is a measure of how difficult it is to search for a particular keyword. … Search marketers estimate how much time and effort it takes to achieve top rankings for specific keywords or search terms.

What is a high SEO difficulty?

Keyword difficulty (also known as keyword competition or SEO difficulty) is an SEO metric that estimates how difficult it is to rank for a keyword. The higher the difficulty of the keyword, the more difficult it is to rank in the 1st SERP because the higher the competition of the web pages that rise.

What is a KD score?

KD stands for & quot; Keyword Difficulty & quot; and describe an estimate of how difficult it is to rank on the 1st page of Google (aka the Top 10 search results) for a particular keyword. KD is measured on a scale from 0 to 100, with the latter being the most difficult to assess.

How is keyword difficulty calculated?

To calculate keyword difficulty, Semrush considers the domain authority that appears on the results page and evaluates how difficult it is for a new web page to eliminate its current competitor in the SERP.