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Intro a la IA Paso a Paso Chat GPT

✨ ¡Bienvenidos a mi canal! ✨ En este primer video, exploraremos cómo la inteligencia artificial está transformando la educación, específicamente en la atención a estudiantes con Necesidades Educativas Especiales (NEE). Te guiaré paso a paso en el...

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como melhorar promtps no chat gpt

A qualidade das respostas que um aplicativo de IA generativa retorna não depende apenas do próprio modelo, mas dos tipos de prompts que ele recebe. Nesse vídeo vamos aprender como melhorar nossos prompts para ter um resultado melhor. Link do...

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How to Find Online Competitors

Struggling to uncover fresh content ideas or backlink opportunities on your own? Here are the essential steps to identify and track your online competitors using Semrush. 🔥 Take our FREE competitive research workflow course ▶︎ 🎯...

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SEMrush for increase traffic , ranking, ROI

We are introducing the game-changing SEMrush tool! Drive organic traffic, boost rankings, and maximize ROI with SEMrush. Discover how thousands of small businesses are leveraging AI technology to thrive. #talentmarkacademy#ranking #aitools...

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Fun With Chat GPT

This bash script utilizes xdotool to automate interactions with a web browser. It prompts the user for input, then simulates keystrokes to navigate to a specific website, enter the user-provided query, and continuously execute a sequence of...

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What is Google Analytics Academy?

What is Google Analytics certification exam?Your A-Z guide to the Google Analytics Individual Qualification (GAIQ) exam. ... Google has an exam that you can take (it’s called the Google Analytics Individual Qualifying Exam or GAIQ for short) and after you take your...

Which cloud certification is best 2020?

Which cloud certification is best 2021?High Cost Cloud and IT Certification for 2021 AWS Certified Advisor â € “Help .... AWS Certified Architectural Solutions â €. ... AWS Certified SysOps Administrator. ... CCSP â € “Certified Cloud Security Professional .... At...

How hard is Google Cloud certification?

Which GCP certification is easy?Google Cloud Associate certified The associate certification is intended for beginners in GCP. So professionals and students can get a certificate to start in GCP. To obtain this Associate Cloud Engineer certification, you will need to...

Which Google certification is best?

What are the top 5 certifications?Top IT certifications Professional Project Management (PMP) ... Certified Security Professional Newsletter (CISSP) ... Certified Information System Auditor (CISA) ... Library Infrastructure Information Technology Foundation (ITIL)....

How hard is it to get Google Analytics certified?

How long does it take to get Google Analytics certified?How long will the course take to complete? If you go through all the course content in a row, we expect the course to take 4-6 hours to complete, depending on your level of familiarity with the course content.Is...

Are Google courses free?

How much do Google courses cost?About Google courses | Coursera The duration of this training is 5 weeks to 6 months, depending on qualifications, with an average duration of 3 months. The cost of taking Google courses | Coursera costs anywhere from $ 50 to $ 500,...

How do I start learning Google Analytics?

Can I teach myself Google Analytics?Direct from Google itself, Google Analytics Academy will follow up with a series of courses and tutorials for experts. You can test your knowledge and become part of the learning community in an interactive platform where you can...

What is Google Analytics for beginners?

What is Google Analytics and how does it work?Google Analytics uses JavaScript to collect information from websites. This way, Analytics records a visit every time the user sees a page with Google Analytics code. For mobile apps, you need to add a code to each...

How do I get started with Google Analytics?

Is Google Analytics for beginners free?Google Analytics Analytics Academy offers free, on -line courses on Analytics and other analytics tools. ... Google Analytics for Beginners shows new users how to build an account, use tracking code, and set up clean data.How do...

Where can I learn Google Analytics?

How do I start learning Google Analytics?How to set up your Google Analytics account Step 1: Sign up for Google Analytics. Here you need to enter the new account information for your website in the appropriate boxes. ... Step 2: Add a tracking code to any website. ......