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16 How to Create Custom Widgets in WordPress | SEO One Page

16 How to create custom widgets in WordPress will show how you can quickly create your own widgets to add in sidebar or footer. Created by RankYa https://www.rankya.com/wordpress/how-to-create-custom-widgets-in-wordpress/

WordPress Widgets add new content and features to be displayed anywhere on your website. Although there are built in widgets in WordPress, you can also create your own custom widgets using custom code to register_sidebar() function. To learn more about this method visit:

Extending your website using WordPress is easy, and this video lesson is one of the many others related to WordPress optimization produced by RankYa to share this new video lesson on how to create your very own customized widget in WordPress use:

Other WordPress related video can be found in this YouTube video Playlist:

Thank you for learning with me and I’ll talk with you in the next video session
